There comes a time in every young woman’s romantic journey when someone in her life thinks they know better than she does. He’s too this and not enough that for you. Your backgrounds are just too different. He seems like someone who may have a midlife crisis and leave you for his secretary 15 years from now so you should probably just call it now.
What's The Rush?
I’ve noticed recently that, in all the conversations I’ve had with people who have been married for anywhere between 10 to 50 years, I’ve never heard a single one of them say they wish they had gotten married earlier. I have, however, heard a number of these people say they wish they hadn’t gotten married so soon. These sentiments have come from people who are extremely happy in their marriage, those who are miserable and those who are somewhere in between. Many express regrets. They feel they missed being young and discovering their own lives before permanently becoming a part of someone else’s. Maybe it’s just because of where I am in my life and these people are trying to make me feel better given everything that has happened in the past year and a half, but I doubt it.